Helping you through your digital transformation journey.

change management

Change Management

Change management is the process of dealing with organisational changes – from identifying a need for change, to planning and preparing for change, then implementing it and seeing it through to completion.

At BR One we are experts at successfully bridging the gap between people and technology and helping you to manage the transition from your current way of working to a new improved way of working.

 We work closely with you at every stage to ensure there is as little interruption to your day-to-day business as possible. We do this through detailed impact assessments and clear communication with your company’s stakeholders – ensuring  that everyone has the desire, the knowledge, and the ability to confidently embrace change.

Br One Consulting, ERP implementation, digital transformation, business process improvement, technology investments, organizational change management

Some of the ways in which we go about doing this…

  • Enlisting the help of relevant stakeholders – identifying who will be affected and how, and then securing the support of the stakeholders who will be implementing and managing the changes.
  • Explaining why change is needed – explaining the reasons for change and the benefits. This will get stakeholders on board more readily as we know that people fear uncertainty more than change.
  • Bringing together different teams – bringing together teams with different skillsets ensures everyone has a say in how change is planned and executed.
  • Implementing the changes – successful change management focuses on helping employees implement changes by taking the necessary steps to achieve goals and deal with any problems that occur.
  • Providing ongoing support to stakeholders and reviewing progress – transitioning to a new way of working means that your team will need ongoing support until they are completely happy with the changes and the new ways of working are firmly embedded.

Some of the benefits to your company.

At BR One we understand how important it is that all of your stakeholders are on board with your organisational changes and by using our change management services you can be assured that employee morale and engagement will be high, there will be less resistance to change, and there will be a greater chance that changes will be implemented quickly, with minimal disruption to your daily business.

Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation and let’s talk through how we can help you move your organisation forwards.