Complete Transformation

How BR One helped a UK wholesaler with its IT transformation journey

BR One has been privileged to help a number of organisations with their IT transformation journeys and the following case study shows the problems our UK wholesaler client faced and how we helped to overcome them.

The problems the client was facing

 The existing technology was no longer fit for purpose

Our client had outgrown its existing technology, and was finding that the outdated computer software and hardware were hindering day-to-day activities. It was having to cope with its systems going down regularly, records being locked, and it was not able to stay on top of necessary regulatory and compliance changes.

The client also had a highly bespoke eCommerce platform, which resulted in downtime when routine updates often conflicted with the bespoke code.

Logistics needed attention

The current warehouse was too small for the client’s needs and as result it also had on-site containers to help store stock. Its operation relied heavily on manual procedures including employees’ knowledge of where the stock was stored, and how to process transactions. As a result there were a lot of pick and pack errors, which meant that orders had to be double or even tripled checked – a massive waste of time and resources.

The international sales processes were not effective

The client was not able to market effectively internationally due to its reliance on existing manual processes, and international sales were often not compliant with local regulations.

How we helped

We worked with the client in many different areas during its IT transformation journey including finance, sales, purchasing, product information management, warehouse management, discrete manufacturing, and eCommerce integration.

There were a number of different phases that needed to be followed for the successful completion of the project and they included:

  • Assessing employees’ roles – organisational changes were needed including creating new job roles and the client had to get the right people on board to help with the successful transformation of the project.
  • Switching suppliers – the client had to review the market and choose the best managed service provider, the best ERP implementation partner and a new supplier to manage its eCommerce platform. It then had to engage and onboard them accordingly.
  • Sourcing warehouse space – it was clear that the warehousing operations needed to be improved, so the client had to source a new local warehousing space, which enabled it to keep its current team. It was also able to share the new warehousing space with another local business thereby saving on costs. In addition, it needed to install the new IT infrastructure and new racking, and move stock from the existing warehouse to the new premises.
  • Building and testing the technology solution:

Upgrading on-premises technology – the client had to upgrade to Cloud ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Cloud migration – we advised the client to migrate its Microsoft applications and SharePoint to the cloud.

International sales – the client had to implement a seamless cross-border sales platform that worked in conjunction with its existing website.

  • Phasing out the rollout – the project had to be rolled out in stages and the first element to be addressed was the eCommerce international sales process, followed by the warehouse migration and then finishing up with the ERP implementation.


Our UK wholesaler client was experiencing issues with outdated IT systems, which were having a knock-on effect on business, and it enlisted our help with its IT transformation journey.

We assessed the business’s needs, and helped to source and onboard new suppliers. We closely managed the project from beginning to end, advised on the areas of business that could be improved, and helped with user adoption of the new technology.

As a result of our input, the client experienced increased operational efficiency, improved data accuracy, visibility and reporting, increased warehouse capacity and better inventory control and it also had the peace of mind of knowing it had a strong disaster recovery plan in place if needed.